Unifor’s Research Department has put together an updated series of sector profiles that provide a detailed overview of the various industries that Unifor members work in. The profiles contain key economic statistics and figures for specific industries, along with a discussion of current conditions, major development issues, and Unifor’s presence in the industry.
These profiles were developed with the aim of providing Unifor locals and members with an easily accessible snapshot of the state of their industry, as well as essential information that might prove useful during bargaining. Taken together, I think that the sector profiles are truly a powerful testament to Unifor’s engagement with every corner of the economy.
All 25 sector profiles can be accessed on Unifor’s website: https://www.unifor.org/sector- profiles
As always, if you have any specific research questions or requests, please don’t hesitate to contact our Research Department at research@unifor.org<mailto:research@unifor.org>