To: Unifor Local Union Presidents, Recording-Secretaries, All Staff, NEB
Message from Unifor officers
We want to express our heartfelt thanks to all Unifor activists and local unions who participated in the 2022 Constitutional Convention, which took place last week in Toronto.
It was the first time we gathered in person since the start of the pandemic, and this Convention is sure to have its place in the history books of our great union.
There are too many highlights to list them all. You can read some of them below, and find more on the Unifor website<>.
* Lana Payne was elected< ted-unifor-national-president> Unifor National President, Len Poirier as National Secretary-Treasurer and Daniel Cloutier was affirmed as Quebec Director, along with Regional Directors, Gavin McGarrigle, Jennifer Murray and Naureen Rizvi.
* Unifor member Marc Roussel< pulp-mill-worker-marc-roussel- receives-2022-bud-jimmerfield- award> was awarded the Bud Jimmerfield award for his dedication to workplace health and safety.
* Federal Labour Minister Seamus O’Regan< -promises-action-harassment> promised action on workplace harassment
* We rallied< rally-ashgrove-workers> for the locked-out members at Ash Grove cement plant in Joliette, Quebec.
* Mozart Mimms< acific-railway-porter-104-wins -neil-reimer-award>, a 104 year-old Black sleeping car porter, was recognized with the Neil Reimer Award.
* We unveiled 29 recommendations to boost Canada’s auto sector< 9-recommendations-boost-canada s-auto-sector>
* Mexican auto worker and labour activist Alejandra Morales Reynoso< worker-wins-mandela-award> was awarded the Nelson Mandela Award.
* We heard from two organizers< t-workers> about the challenges of working at Amazon.
* We celebrated our union in a new video< r-new-video> and closed Convention on a note of solidarity and strength<https://www.unifor.or g/news/all-news/lana-payne-clo ses-convention-unifor-united>.
In the coming weeks, we will be planning our union’s activities for the months ahead, and you can be sure to hear from us about exciting initiatives, events and projects.
We hope that you will enjoy the rest of the summer, and we encourage you to participate in upcoming events during Labour Day weekend.
In solidarity,
Lana Payne, National President
Len Poirier, National Secretary-Treasurer
Daniel Cloutier, Québec Director