Wednesday, January 19, 2011

CAW 114 Member Rescues Passenger on Her Lunch Break

Below is a letter from John Peck,  Manager Vernon Regional Transit, published with his permission.  Letter has been edited to protect passenger's anonymity.

January 18, 2011 
BC Transit – Steve Harvard
First Canada – Alvin Zaharko
City of Vernon – Kevin Bertles
CAW Union – Harry Moon

Re:  Transit Driver Bev Andrus Rescuing Transit Customer

At 1:10pm on Tuesday January 18, 2011 Bev Andrus a Transit Driver for First Canada in Vernon called the office with an urgent question.  “I’m at one of our passengers’ house and I can hear her calling for help!   What should I do?”

Earlier in the day Bev’s Transit Passengers had questioned Bev as to whether she had seen Jane Doe*.  Jane is a Senior Citizen and a frequent passenger of Vernon’s Transit System and her fellow riders were concerned for Jane, as her blinds had been pulled for days and she hadn’t been seen.

While Bev was on her lunch break she decided to stop by Jane’s house and check on her.  When she knocked on the door and hollered for Jane, she heard the distressing answer that she had fallen and couldn’t get up.  The doors and windows were all locked. 

Bev placed a call to the office, and we called 911 and went to the house to assist.  Bev stayed at the door and communicated with Jane before and after Emergency Personnel arrived.  Because the doors and windows were locked the RCMP had to break a door window to get in.    

Jane was in her bathroom where she had fallen.  She was transported immediately to the hospital.  Both the Paramedics and the RCMP thanked Bev for saving Jane’s life.

The RCMP broke the window to get in, but could not take measures to secure the home afterwards.   After some discussion as to how the home would be secured and left for Jane, FirstCanada decided to call our glass vender and have a new window installed in the door. 

The actions of Beverly Andrus went above and beyond the call of duty, and according to the Paramedics saved Jane’s life.

John Peck
Vernon Regional Transit   

*Passenger's name changed to Jane Doe --  (Jim Sadlemyer  Web Site Editor).