In support of political prisoners and against execution in Iran
Many organizations and individuals have announced their serious concern about public executions and intensification of executions in Iran. Saturday 29th January 2011, has been declared as a day of global protest against executions and in defense of political prisoners in Iran.
Date: Saturday January 29
Time: 2pm
Location: In front of Robson Art Gallery
This is to request your assistant in connecting Iran Solidarity-Vancouver
network with our sisters and brothers in CAW Local 111, in Vancouver. CAW
local 111, in conjunction with the Vancouver and District Labour
Council(VDLC) and the International Confederation of Trade Unions(ICTU) have
shown their solidarity and support with Mansour Osanlou, the president of
Tehran Bud Drivers' Union who is still in jail.
Once again we need their urgent action in support of entire executive of
Tehran Bus Drivers' Union who are in captivity of the Islamic Regime in Iran
and an attempt to stop the madness of this regime.
The Islamic regime in Iran has waged a full force war against the people by
arresting Labour activists, Human rights activists, Children rights
activists, Students, women, progressive Journalists and lawyers who dare to
represent them. In the last few weeks a new wave of torture and massive
executions are being publicly practiced by the Islamic regime.
To stop this brutality, to call for the release of political prisoners, to
practice of stoning and execution, Iran solidarity-Vancouver request full
support of labour movement in general and our sisters and brothers in CAW
Local 111 in particular.