Thursday, December 16, 2010

Urgent Appeal from The Canadian Labour Congress

Kananaskis coming right up
Improved CPP best option by far 

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty appears to be softening his support for an expanded CPP in the lead up to the finance ministers meeting this weekend in Kananaskis.

We need your help. Forty years of a private sector voluntary solution have not worked - Canadians don't need the banks and financial industry getting another opportunity to gouge them out of their hard earned savings. Canadians need leadership from their government. I urge you to send one final message to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty , reminding them that they publicly supported an improved CPP. Tell them that we want to see action at Kananaskis and our plan to gradually double future CPP benefits is the best plan to help the majority of Canadians save for their retirement.

I want to thank each of you for your efforts in this marvellous campaign. Labour has put retirement security and the CPP on the national political agenda and we will not rest until we have won this 
for all Canadians. 

Canadian Labour Congress
2841 Riverside Drive
Ottawa Ontario K1V8X7