Saturday, November 27, 2010

Gavin McGarrigle: Thanks and Links to Coverage from the Truck Rally

Thanks to everyone for their hard work today.  It was tremendous show of solidarity.  I’m told that our protest convoy today had close to 400 trucks in it, proudly flying the VCTA and CAW flags.  We had a lot of fun and sent an important message about fairness at the Ports.

VCTA-CAW Local 2006 Rally Coverage

CTV and Global TV BC did pretty good video stories and all the coverage seems of the VCTA rally seems pretty positive.  All the major radio stations also ran various pieces throughout the day.  We’ve heard that some of the video and news stories are ending up in other markets through the parent companies.

Please pass these links around to those who might be interested.

CTV BC News -  


In solidarity,

Gavin McGarrigle
National Representative, CAW-Canada