Friday, November 26, 2010



In 2005, container truckers were forced into action to stop a vicious race to the bottom. The Vince Ready rates were put in place to ensure stability.

The Provincial and Federal Governments and the Ports agreed to enforce the Ready rates but their actions have not stopped undercutting.

Meanwhile, the Ports remain reluctant to seriously enforce rates and have now announced 3 new actions that will hurt all container truck drivers:

A new TLS fee of $300 per license per year will start on January 4, 2011. There are no guarantees that this will lead to better enforcement and we fear that the Ports will continue to jack up these rates whenever it wants, cutting the pay of container truck workers even further.

VCTA-CAW fought for a ban on new Company driver licenses and this was put in place on December 18, 2009. Even with the ban, there are far too many trucks at the Ports. PMV has now decided to lift the ban and allow Companies to hire new “Company drivers”. This will lead to more trucks, less work, and fewer owner operators.

As of April 2011, trucks that are legal on BC’s roads can now be banned from the Ports simply depending on their age with few exceptions. This will increase costs to owner operators while the rest of the truck industry follows Ministry of Transportation guidelines instead of standards simply imposed by the Ports.


All container truck drivers (union and non-union) are invited to a rally
to protest these attacks by the Ports and the failure of the federal
and provincial governments to step in to help ensure stability.

WHEN? Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 12 p.m.
WHERE? Truck Pull-out on Highway 91N 
between Highway 10 and 64th Avenue 

We thank you for your ongoing support of our efforts to make life better for container truck drivers. Please contact us for further details.

VCTA-CAW Local 2006
Paul Johal, President
(604) 518-5008 

Meeka Sanghera, Vice-President
(778) 883-9455

Gavin McGarrigle
National Representative
(604) 516-8011